Eileen Conn | Show Runner | Story Editor | Director | Writer


$55 for 20 minute video only consult rate. See below for additional services.

$240 for one 30 or 60 min script (This includes a thirty minute zoom to review notes, plus an email copy of the notes)

$410 for one film script (This includes 50 min zoom to review notes, plus an email copy of the notes.)

Please email info@thepitchdocs.com to book requested service.


“Story, story, story! If your story is strong, your jokes will work”. That has been Eileen Conn’s mantra since she first started writing comedy for television at Dream On, one of HBOs first comedies. After that she spent decades in the multi camera world, working for shows such as Just Shoot Me, Mad About You, DAG, News Radio and then the Disney Channel, where she wrote for Zendaya for six years.

Eileen wasn’t always behind the camera, she started her career as an actress and had a good little commercial carrier until writing found her. After decades in the business Eileen knows what a a good script is and what a bad script needs. In last few years Eileen moved into the Director’s chair where she really felt at home, combining her love for acting, writing and all things TV.


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